

Tena Koutou Katoa
Ko Caroline Scalabrini (nee Wihongi) ahau
I have been working in Early Childhood Education for 28 years. I am passionate about working with the older age group tamariki.
I am currently working with the Explorers age group. I am so grateful to be given the opportunity to be part of our multicultural team here at The Rumpus Room in Point Chevalier. I have been employed here since it opened in 2012. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge in Tikanga Maori. I am fluent in Te Reo and love using it in my daily practice with our tamariki, kaiako and whanau. I believe this to be a taonga which was taught to me by my mama and I firmly believe that this taonga should be shared.
My interests include travel, learning about different cultures and I love listening to a range of music. I am passionate about the Native American culture and love learning about the similarities they have with my Maori culture. I also love playing the guitar and piano which I used to play since I was 9. I love spending time with my whanau and going on adventures.
I am married to Lance Scalabrini and we have two tamariki who live at home with us here in Point Chevalier.
No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa