

Kia Ora, Fal’e here! I have the pleasure and privilege of being a kaiako at TRR both at PC and WV since 2012! I have been the team leader at The Nest at Waterview since January 2019. It may sound cliché but I truly love what I do and couldn’t imagine doing anything else! I have worked alongside infants and toddlers for most of my teaching years although I have also worked with preschool and school-aged children. For me though my passion is with children under the age of two years. I am inspired by the practices of Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler (R.I.E) and strive to uphold the principles of respectful care. I am an advocate for primary care, honouring te ao Maori and the natural world. I am passionate about creating an environment that is engaging, curious, exciting but also safe, trusting, calm and with a feeling of ‘a home away from home’. My goal is to establish, grow and support our Nest whanau firstly with the tamariki, kaiako and the whanau.
Nga mihi nui